Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Pictures

Here are John's Easter pictures. These were the ones they took at his school and I was thrilled with how they turned out. I love the backdrop and the live bunny.
I love this's kind of a "hey, how you doin?" kind of pose. Although, we won't teach him why you would ever say that to a girl. :)
Nice bunny. He seems to like it...probably because it's about the size of our yorkies. :)
This one makes me laugh...he looks like he's in trouble or something. Who me??


Lilypad Mom said...

His pictures turned out GREAT! Gosh, he's getting that "older toddler" look (Lily is too - sniff). I love how that little bunny looks annoyed by all the touching. He had the same expression in Lily's pictures! I LOVE the "how YOU doin" pose!

Krisha Brooks said...

You are so right...that bunny had to be tired of all that touching..LOL! They are getting older though...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Oops, that just slipped out. :)

Lilypad Mom said...

I forgot to comment but that one picture is SO "How YOU doin?". That cracks me up!! Hate the game, not the playa. ;-)