Well, this first picture isn't exactly "fun." This was John getting his second haircut. He got a little freaked out at first, but then did great after a few minutes.

So, when mommy drove home one day, John started wiggling out of his seat when I unbuckled him so I decided to see what he would do. He started crawling all over the car and went up to the driver's seat and started driving, it was so funny! I think he's ready to take the Tahoe out for a spin!

This was John on the way to Houston a few weeks ago...he totally conked out!
1 comment:
Move over Nascar! John looks at home in the driver seat. I love his haircut picture. He has that "oh mommy wants to get you" pose but he has a hand on the chair toy like "I still want to play but...can you hold me"? I'm glad the hair cut went okay!
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