I thought it was time to do another vocabulary update so everyone can enjoy the new words coming out of John's mouth. :) He is just exploding with new words everyday and I am able to communicate with him easily on most every topic. Although, for some reason, when I ask him if he's ready to go to bed I get more of a blank stare...hmmmm..I wonder why! Actually, sometimes, I will ask "are you ready to go night night?" and he'll point blank say: "no mommy." :) He knows what he wants (and doesn't want!).
1) Mommy - He now says mommy VERY clearly. I've been getting the "no, mommy, no" a lot lately when I try to clean out his nose or wipe his face down after eating...quite funny!
2) Daddy - this is quite adorable...he tends to hold out the "y" part so that it sounds like "dadeeeeeeeeee", love it!
3) Mop - This is milk for some reason...not sure why, maybe because he spills it a lot at school and they clean it up with a mop? :)
4) Meece - My favorite one by far! This means kiss and he will show me a "boo boo" and say "mommy meece" and hold it out for me....totally melts my heart!
5) Dink - This is drink...he's been very creative lately on this one...we will get in his room, turn on his music for bedtime, get ready to say prayers and he'll pop up and say "dink?" because he wants a drink before bedtime. Who knew a 21 month old would learn this stalling technique so early!
6) Katchup - This is ketchup which he loves on most anything he eats!
7) Chockate - This is chocolate...he learned this first from Mawmaw feeding him double dark chocolate ice cream with heath bar from Cold Stone...not a bad way to learn about chocolate. :)
8) Shoos - This is shoes...he just holds the "o" sound a little longer than normal.
9) Sawy - This is actually sorry which he uses if I say "be gentle" about something...he'll give you a hug and say "sawy."
10) Wawa - This is the name for his friend Owen at school.
11) Cencent - This is the name for his friend Vincent at school.
12) Nonnie - This is the name for his teacher Ms. Tonnie at school.
13) Queaky - This is squeaky which refers to the squeaky shoes Mamwmaw and Daddy John bought him...one if his friends at school, Owen, has these, so John will say "queaky, Wawa (see above)"...so funny!
14) Backberries - This is his term for blackberries, which he LOVES! It's also used for blueberries too....another favorite.
15) Seep - This is used for the word sleep which mommy uses often to get him deterred from playing with something. "the dancing puppy needs to go to sleep now, so let's quit playing with him for awhile." When John goes to bed, he will point at the dancing puppy and dancing bunny he has (yes, we have a lot of dancing animals!) and say "puppy seep, bunny seep"...I love that they can still be fooled...this will run out soon I'm sure. Darn!
16) Ous-side - This is usually followed by many exclamation points since it's his word for outside...and since he loves going outside and playing on the "side" which is slide, he tends to yell it out.
17) No mommy no - This is exactly what it says. Ususally is stated when I'm trying to wipe something off his face, get out an eye booger, or asking him if he's ready to go night-night. :)
18) Gaggy - This is a new one as of this week....Barry's dad is called Daddy John for his grandparent name. This is a longstanding tradition for any of the John Miller's to be called Daddy John as a grandparent. Well since John can say Daddy and John so clearly, we didn't think it would be a problem. But, for some reason, this combination of words seems to confuse him and it comes out Gaggy. It's actually quite funny and we are loving giving Daddy John a hard time about it....I'm thinking of getting them something to set out in the house with Mawmaw and Gaggy written on it...heh! heh!
19) Mawmaw, Gaggy, Nana, Papa - These are all the grandparent names that he says so clearly. It's so cute to hear him say their names in his sweet little voice (again, not biased!) :)
20) Dance - Well he has this word right on...several of his elmo videos have the characters dancing, so he'll say "dance" and then shake his little booty back and forth.
21) Lilyee - This the name of John's future wife, oops, I mean friend, Lily at school. :) He holds out the "ee" sound at the end and says it so proudly.
22) Melmo - This is elmo...John's favorite character of all time! He gets home and starts saying "elmo cd" so that mommy will put in his elmo cartoon.
23) Choo-choo - This is how John refers to a train...good enough for me. :)
24) Eh-eh - This is actually supposed the spelled out sound a monkey makes...he references monkeys by making the sound...again, good enough for mommy. :)
25) Fiiiive, sisxth, seVen, eight, non, ten - This is John counting from 5 to 10...he's been doing 5 & 6, then 5, 6, & 7, then he busted into 5,6,7,8,9,10 just last weekend...we are so proud! The seven has a capital V because he pronounces the "v" really hard when he says it. I guess 1-4 are just too boring, no need to count starting from the beginning...5 and above is the coolest!
Well, that's the newest update on words, I'm sure I'm missing quite a few, but these are some of the fun ones that come to mind. I plan to try and video some of these cute words in action, so stay tuned!
Friday, April 17, 2009
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1 comment:
Wow! Now that's a great list! The "Mop" cracks me up. So close and yet so far! Meece is just the cutest word ever. Please dont teach him "kisses". Meece is MUCH more cuter! Sawy is so sweet too. I need to work on Lily w/that one. We do that with "Seep" too! Melmo? (as Lilyeee says Melmo too!) - he's seep. I love how that actually works! Lily does the exact same thing with Monkeys (they are Ah ahs) and Counting too. We noticed she could count the last half of 1 to 10 far better than 1-5. What gives?? Maybe they are just THAT smart and skip those easy numbers. ;-) I love "Lilyee" too. I forgot to add John John to my list. I catch myself calling him that too!
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