Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Playing on the "beh" (a.k.a. bed)

I think I may have mentioned in a previous blog about how John loves to play with mommy and daddy on our bed. He actually says "beh" instead of "bed"...he doesn't quite hear the "d" on the end even though I've tried emphazing that letter...oh well, it goes with the cuteness of words like "mop", "meece", etc. :) He loves to get up on the bed, dive into the pillows, and giggle until mommy and daddy come after him and tickle him...it's quite a precious site. Well, this weekend, John figured out a way to get onto our bed without needing any grown-up help. :) I had seen him run into our room and assumed he would just run back out. Well, I didn't see him come back out for a few minutes but I did hear giggling...so i went in the room and this is what I found: (this is like a where's Waldo picture....where's John Miller?) LOL!

John had figured out how to slide the puppy stairs over to our bed and climb up in it all by himself. I laughed quite hysterically when I saw him hiding behind the pillows and then he proceeded to continue playing around. It was such a sweet time of genuine fun over something as simple as the bed....gosh I love having a toddler! :)

This picture makes me laugh...he looks like he's posing for a photo shoot or something. LOL!

Sweet pictures!

Here's just a few fun pictures I've taken recently. Enjoy!!!

This is John wearing his monkey hat around the house...what a stud!

Just chillin with a snack outside.

This will make daddy VERY proud. John walked up
to mommy's car and pointed to Lance Armstrong on
my license plate and said "daddy!" LOVE IT!

Just playing around.

Sweet face!

Monday, June 1, 2009

The yogurt facial mask! :)

If any of you know my son, you know that he LOVES yogurt. Seriously, he is addicted to it. I even pulled out some pudding the other day as a special treat and he wouldn't even take a bite..I kept saying "John it's chocolate, I think you will like it" and he would say "no mommy, yogurt." So, mommy put away the pudding (and by "put away" I MIGHT mean that mommy ate it herself :))...and then got out the yogurt for John and watched him devour it. His method of eating yogurt is quite funny. He always starts with his spoon, eating all neat and everything. Then, as he progresses, I think he gets tired of dropping yogurt on his bib, so he starts putting his hands in it and eating it that way. He thinks it's quite funny when he dips his fingers/hand in the yogurt so I thought I would share this experience with you. The last picture is John wanting to give mommy a kiss with his yogurt face...how could I say no to that face??? I ended the event with my own yogurt facial mask too! LOL!

I love cookies!

Mommy bought these new cookies at Central Market that look like oreos, but are made of natural ingredients. :) If you know us, we aim for fresh fruits and vegetables and no high fructose corn syrup...so when I found these delicious cookies, I thought John might enjoy them. :) I gave him some and he proceeded to enjoy them in a sweet little manner. First, he pulled them apart (how does he know to do this?). Then, he decided the white cream part must be best and he started dipping his finger in it and eating that. Then, he wanted to share this delicious tasting substance with mommy so he held up his finger for me to have a bite. :) Once mommy said she was fine, he proceeded to chow down all by himself...these pictures walk you through his experience quite well. Heh! heh!