Saturday, January 10, 2009

Look at me riding my Bop!

I figured the blog about the "bop" wouldn't be complete without an action shot! So, I think John was trying to show that his legs aren't too short to ride the bike...but if you look closer, you will see that, yes, his right leg is touching the pedal, but he is leaning so far to the right that his left foot is nowhere in sight to the pedal...poor little guy! I'm writing red flyer a nasty note about making my boy feel like he has short legs! :)

1 comment:

Lilypad Mom said...

Yay! An action shot! He is soo cute. I love the helmet. That's a good Leg angle too. His legs look to touch the pedals just fine (well, the one side). hee hee! Red Flyer must cater to giants or something. Those pedals are 8 miles away!! (Mommy justification)