Thursday, January 15, 2009

How many people/animals does it take to stretch?

This blog is to talk about the funny routine that happens every time Barry gets back from a run or bike ride. You see, he always comes in, gets his blue stretching mat, and then this magnetically attracts every being in the house. Several things start happening all at once when Barry sits down....John immediately runs over to where daddy is so he can start playing with all the cool stretching toys...this usually involves him sitting right in the middle of Barry's lap. Then, Vito comes over to lick his tasty salt treat that is anywhere exposed flesh is he will lick arms, legs, necks...and the list goes on and on. While Vito is licking away, Sal always runs and gets a toy (usually this stuffed turkey that he loves)...brings it to Barry...drops it down next to him and barks until Barry will throw it. So, the answer to the blog question is evidently four! Barry, John, Sal & Vito! This picture is shows every one of the things I sure and notice that Vito is in mid lick in the photo and Sal is impatiently waiting under the coffee table for daddy to throw the turkey that is by his side. What would I do without all my precious boys??? :)

1 comment:

Lilypad Mom said...

This sooo funny. I laughed and laughed. PERFECT timing on the pic too. The "salty treat" is too funny. Max's weakness is salt and LOTION. MMmmm!