Well, after picking him up from the classroom, we proceed to head out of the school..although this takes awhile. John likes to point at all the stuff along the way which includes the pictures on the wall, the Halloween decorations hanging in the hall, the door that leads to the outside playground, the lighthouse decoration in the front of the school, the fish tank, and the Frankenstein that's at the front door. Then, when we get outside, we go see the Halloween decorations out there, the many trees in the front, and sometimes even a swift walk by the huge bushes. Who knew there was so much interesting stuff from his classroom to the car? Then of course when we get in the car, he wants to play the "stiff back" game and make it impossible for me to get him in the car seat...no wonder it takes me 30 minutes to pick him up and drive the 0.2 miles to my house! :)
Now, the real fun begins...once we get home, John starts getting all excited because he can hear the dogs barking. So we make a beeline for the back door, mommy turns off the alarm, and he heads towards the puppy room. This used to be the laundry room, but they seem to have claimed ownership! John will bend down to their crates and try to open the latch and then mommy helps so they can come barrelling, and I do mean barrelling, out of there. John then chases them to the backdoor where I let them out to potty. After that, we head to our closet so I can change and put on some frumpy, oops, I mean comfy clothes to hang out with at home. Come on...sweats and a t-shirt that's too big is way cool! :) While I get dressed John works on finding all the little treasures in the closet. So far he's encountered golf balls, water bottles, an empty shoebox, mommy's flip-flops, a swim cap, and a few other crazy things he loves to run off and play with. After I finally catch him and put away everything, we then head to do some real bonding time since none of that really counted. ha! :)
Well, yesterday the joy of the afternoon came when we pulled out something to drink. John was begging for juice, or should I say "jish" and so I pulled out this little Tigger drink thing he has and filled it up. He was loving drinking out of it and decided he should share with the puppies. (hence the photos below). I thought the first one was great in showing how he downs that juice....big boys are tough if they drink from their Tigger cup right??? :) Then, once he took a drink he decided Sal should have some too...although Sal was a little uneasy about Tigger staring him down like that.
After juice it was snack time. Well, mommy was hungry so she grabbed an apple and John decided he needed some of that too. I began eating on it and he was making all sorts of sounds for me to share, so I let him bite into it and he LOVED it. He really enjoys eating "big boy style" so we chomped on it together. Once we finished our apple, the remainder of the evening included playing with cars that play songs like Rock Around the Clock so we could shake our booties to that....then threw balls around the house and chased some from the dogs....read several books....pulled everything out of the toy box....climbed under the kitchen table like it was a fort....played in the dog food....found fun ripped paper in the trash can...climbed on the couch and giggled as mommy chased him back and forth....and ran around the house with balloons scaring the dogs! This doesn't even include bath time and all the fun that comes with a bubble bath! Whew....what an afternoon...but it's just a typical afternoon...RIGHT????

1 comment:
Isn't it amazing how busy our afternoons get? Our afternoons sound a lot a like. It doesn't get any better than "comfy" clothes. I love the sippy cup sharing too. He's such a sweet boy!
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