Well, I don't have much to report this time, except that I think this age in John's life is the most precious stage so far. He is so inquisitive about everything and loves checking out new things. Just this weekend, we were out eating breakfast and he was very intrigued with the flowers out front...thus the picture for this week. He just loved touching the flowers and feeling them...right before he yanked a big handful of them off the stem...but we don't need to concentrate on those little details...just marvel in the sweet picture where he's "gently" touching the flowers. :)
Nana and Poppy (my parents) were in town this weekend and they had so much fun. They came in on Wednesday and picked John up at 2:00 everyday so they could have some one on one time with him. And, let me just say, he played hardcore for 3 hours with them until I got home...and about that time he seemed to wind down...so I would laugh and say "I don't know why you guys get so worn out watching him...he's so calm." heh! heh! John sure loved all the attention and with my dad being an avid golf watcher, the fact that he didn't watch one ounce of golf on TV while he was here showed me just how busy they really were with our little boy. My mom read about 1,000 stories over the weekend, and my dad wrestled about 100 times with John on the couch. He loves to crawl back and forth on the couch like he's getting away from you...only to be pulled back in when you grab his legs and slide him across the couch...pure sweetness I tell ya! :)
John is understanding so much now...he just amazes me. He has this quilt on his wall in his room and he was pointing at the crocodile, bird, and monkey when I would call out their name, and he actually pointed at the right animal..it was so neat! He's also really good about letting me know when he's thirsty, he walks to the refrigerator and pulls on the door, or he sits in this little chair we have for him in the kitchen. He also walks into the bathroom and plays with the outside of the tub when I say "let's go take a bath" and he walks into his room and sits in front of the changing table and lifts up his feet for me to put his shoes on that I keep on the changing table when I say "let's go put your shoes on." It's just so fun to see his little brain at work all the time...he is soaking in so much, so I'm definitely describing as much to him as I can. Although, he's probably getting tired of me using so many adjectives just to say "here's your apple"....but knowing that it's a shiny, crunchy, smooth, round, hard, red, delicious, apple is important, right??? :)
Anyway, that's the update for now....I will continue to keep you posted on all the fun things going on in our household. :)
I love reading these updates from you, Krisha! He is such a little cutie (and smartie!), and you're such a great momma! I remember how exciting it was (and still is) to watch Austin just taking everything in. It is precious indeed!
Hopefully we'll get to see you soon. :o) Love from Colorado!
It is cool to see the world through their eyes. I'm always amazed at how you can talk to them and they understand (like putting shoes on). I bet Nana and Poppy loved their John Time!!
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