Well, I just had to write a short blog about my son's immense love for bananas. I know I mentioned a little in the last blog, but we had quite a funny experience this past weekend at the grocery store. Every Sunday, we trek over to Central Market to do our grocery shopping because they have such wonderful fruits and vegetables and we tend to eat those items more than anything else (hence the piles of fruit sitting on the fruit plate on our kitchen island at home...we could have our own farmer's market! ha!) Anyway, we went to the store on Sunday as usual and we actually put John sitting in the buggy since we forgot his stroller. This of course meant he was much higher up as we moved through the store and he could see a whole lot more. Well, as we neared the fruit section, mommy started bagging fruit and looking for what we wanted for the week. About that time, daddy realized he had forgotten something in the vegetable section so he headed that way back up toward the front of the store. I started moving John through the fruit and within about 10 seconds, I hear him start screaming at the top of his lungs "ba ba ba!!!!" and pointing with all his might. At first, I was startled and wondered if my poor little boy was being attacked by a crazy grocery shopper or if he was in dire need of something. Lo and behold...he was in dire need of something...a banana! He had entered a mecca of bananas....the banana aisle! I call it an aisle because it is seriously like 50 feet of shelves of bananas, so as we went by my little boy couldn't help but to squeal with delight and point to his favorite fruit of all time! I really thought he was going to have a heart attack going through that area. Of course, mommy kind of freaked out because I didn't know how to calm him down real quick so I just ran through the bananas and made it safely to the other side...he seemed to calm for a second but then did the rapid turn around to try and find out where his banana heaven had gone.
About that time, I saw daddy heading over and I couldn't believe he had missed that episode and I was laughing about explaining it to him. Well before I could get the words out, Barry said that he could hear John screaming "ba" on the other side of the store and he couldn't figure out what was going on until it dawned on him that mommy and son had entered the haven of bananas. :) So, as quick as was possible, Barry ran over to bag our bananas for the week and pulled out one special for John and he took a big chomp out of it and was full of joy...whew....we barely sidetracked a complete banana meltdown! :) Now, I'd like to say that after John finished his banana he was totally satisfied and sat like an angel the rest of the grocery trip, but the truth of the matter was that he noticed where we put the bag of bananas in the buggy and he spent the rest of the trip trying to wiggle his little body around to grab that bunch of bananas so he could proudly hold them and enjoy his favorite drug...oops, I mean fruit!
Seriously though, it's great that he has such a love for fruit and we are happy that he's chosen bananas as his "treat." Our grocery trip included a bulk of 20 bananas for the week....yikes! I guess that means we are a household of monkeys (that's for you Daddy John!). :)
1 comment:
Now that's a fun trip to the grocery store! Lily says "Nana" for banana - between the two of them,we have the entire word. Gotta love those sweet little monkeys! :-)
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