Sunday, July 25, 2010

John's 3rd Birthday!

John turned three on July 15, 2010.  I can't believe how quickly time flies! His birthday was on a Thursday, so we had a fun celebration of Chuck E Cheese, outside play time, and opening presents.  Here's some pictures to walk you through the fun. 

The gifts waiting in John's room
John's excitement seeing the presents
Woo hoo, a Poncho (aka Bullseye) from Toy Story (thank you for the  name Poncho Leah! :))
Ooh, what's this??
Time for some football fun! Bring on the NFL!
A Home Depot power tool work bench! Oh yeah!
That's right, it's Lotso from Toy Story 3! Daddy was not too thrilled about buying him a big, pink bear.  :)
John was so happy to get Lotso! How could we not buy it?? 

So cute, right??  I think Lotso is laughing at daddy saying "heh! heh! your son has a big pink bear!" :)
Prepping Lotso to be one of his bedtime friends. 
One last hug before seeing him at bedtime later. 
Ok, back to the  manly stuff.  Power tools...argh...argh!
This should make daddy happy, he used his drill on Lotso's belly.  :)
Cutest football player ever!
Action shot!
What's a birthday without birthday cake???


Sandy said...

Cute pictures! Its hard to believe he is 3 already. I am cracking up at the big pink bear. I don't think I could ever talk Chad into that for one of our guys...way to go Barry for overlooking stereotypes! :)

Krisha Brooks said...

I know, I can't believe he's three either!! When John saw Toy Story 3, he just loved when mommy saw the bear in Toys R Us, I didn't quite give daddy a chance to say no. :) AS long as he keeps using his power tools on him, I think daddy will be alright.

Lilypad Mom said...

PANCHO! Yeah- sorry about that slip up. I still remember realizing, "uh oh- his name isnt Pancho!". Hee hee! I love his surprised expression. Great timing! And that is one manly big pink bear! ;-)

Krisha Brooks said...

We've had a lot of laughs over the pink bear...Barry would like me to take the batteries out and tell John it's "broke." Nice daddy, huh? :)