Sunday, April 4, 2010

Snow in Texas!!!

I have been meaning to post more pictures from the snow fun in Texas.  We had more snow than I've ever seen here and John had a blast!!! Now, before you look at the pictures, you must understand that it is not common to have snow like that here and I was not properly prepared with snow attire for my little boy...mainly snow shoes.  So, being the creative person I am (yeah right!), I opted for the fashionable Target bags to place around John's shoes to waterproof them.  I must say, they worked quite well, but I was chuckling at how pitiful he looked trying to run in those things.  Oh well, John stayed super happy and didn't mind his ghetto snow boots.  :)

1 comment:

Lilypad Mom said...

Love the snow boots! Quite an ingenius invention if you ask me. Target's not ghetto! Nooooo. Of course, Lily had homemade waterproof gloves for the snow. hee hee!