Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ooh, look at the wada (a.k.a. water) :)

So, last weekend we went to eat at the Cheesecake Factory in Plano since it's near Central Market (which we visit every weekend :)). Well, they have this great outdoor pond area that John LOVES to look at. He enjoys walking by the water and seeing the cool waterfall. Well, this visit was no exception, he was so excited when we walked outside and kept pointing and saying "wada!" which is "water." He wanted to climb on the bench and stare at the waterfall...I thought the pictures were so cute that I had to share!

I think this one is him saying "ooh! cool waterfall! I wonder if I could get in the water before mommy caught me?" :)

1 comment:

Lilypad Mom said...

Gosh- he is looking so "grown up" now! I love his expressions. Little off subject but I can see those scary dark storm clouds from last weekend in the background too! I think we were all napping at about this time. ;-)