Thursday, December 4, 2008

New Vocabulary

I'm going to copy my good friend Leah and write a few things about John's ever evolving vocabulary. It is amazing to hear him say certain things with some clarity and to understand what I'm saying. I will talk to him about things and then he'll actually respond by doing what I'm saying or showing me what I'm talking about. It is so amazing and wonderful to watch. Here's a breakdown of his full-fledged 16 month vocabulary:

1) Mama - yes, this is mommy...he says it with this soft little voice that mommy has a hard time not giving him what he wants. And, before you say it, we're not spoiling him, just giving him extra love. :)

2) Dada - this is daddy...he says this one louder and more playful...hmmm...does it have anything to do with daddy being louder and more playful? LOL!

3) Jish - this is juice...I will ask him if he wants juice and this juice/fish mixture comes out.

4) Babba - this is puppy...we recently found out that John can tell the difference in our two Yorkies. Barry gave John a puppy treat (to give to the puppies! don't get any ideas on daddy playing a cruel joke on John :))....anyway, he gave him the treat and told him to give it to Sal...he looked at Vito then walked over to Sal and gave it to him. That's my boy...still on the genius train! :)

5) Bix - this is bricks. Mommy tends to talk about anything and everything when I'm with John...just trying to teach him as many words as possible, so we've stopped and touched the bricks on the house several times and John calls out for them.

6) Eat - yes...this word is actually said correctly. We have worked with John on several sign language words and the newest one he's been using is the word eat to let us know when he's hungry. He will bring his fingers together and then touch his mouth and say's amazing to see! although, now that he says "eat" every 5 minutes, it may not be such a good idea. I don't think my little Buddha belly son can afford to eat that often. :)

7) Mo - this is for "more." This is another sign language word he learned...very early on because the daycare uses this...and he will let me know if he still needs more to eat. Hmmm...I'm starting to wonder if I need to quit teaching him words that all tend to relate to food. A watermelon belly is healthy, right??? :) He also uses more when he wants you to do something again. We went to the mall on black Friday...that's right people...we embarked on the craziest shopping day of the season! Well, we watched a puppet show and when it was done, John kept signing "more"...I felt so bad...mommy was about to run up there and do her own version of the puppet show! He also does "more" when we are playing around...needless to say, mommy ends up doing "ride little horsey" 10 million times because he keeps asking for more. :)

8) Yeyes - this is eyes...he seems to start with a "y" sound, but he says it very quickly. But, beware, it's usually followed by a finger jabbing in your eye as he tries to point it out to you. I'm trying to have him point to himself more than mommy...I might be wearing a pirate patch soon if I don't!

9) Mustache - Yes people, my little boy says this word clearer than anything else! We were at the Turkey Trot on Thursday and Daddy John showed John his mustache and John said that word clear as day...even pronounced the "m" sound correctly. It was the most precious thing and most people would probably not believe me but Barry and our nephew Chance heard it too, so mommy is not faking genius status again, oops....I would never do that...anyway, I wasn't faking hearing it. :)

10) Kisthmas - The number 10 word is a wonderful word...daddy kept asking John to say Christmas yesterday and he would say the sweet sound of kisthmas! It was so funny to hear and after asking him 50 times to say it over and over, he probably won't even speak it again...but it was worth it! :) Mommy loves Christmas so that word is quite special to her!!

1 comment:

Lilypad Mom said...

Wohoo! Yay for vocab lists! :-) My goodness- mustache is a huge word. My half brother use to say "smushsmash". It's a fun word - that's for sure! Lily is the exact same way with "eat". We purposely WAIT to say "eat" as she's say it over and over and go get her chair and wonder why we're not eating RIGHT NOW. Kisthmas is very impressive too!