Ok so I think it might be time for Barry and I to think of having another child. :). Recently John has been super attached to all the stuffed animals he's received as gifts from grandparents and mommy and daddy. Everytime he gets a new one, that becomes a new favorite and is added to his "posse." Well in the last week, I've really noticed how much John likes to have his friends around. He has been putting them on the kitchen table each morning to watch him have breakfast which mommy thinks is quite cute. BUT, just recently the friends have become a part of other routines as shown in the second picture. :). John wanted all his friends to watch him potty. I'm not sure if I should be worried about that! Then, on Saturday morning I heard him in his room talking to his "friends." I heard him say "hi puppy" then pick up puppy and say "hi John.". As cute as that is, I think he may need a sibling since his mommy and daddy seem to be seriously lacking in the "attention" department for John since he's having to talk to furry, fake animals to get conversation. Heh! Heh!